Tip - Resizing Finder Windows

As you know, when running your business, time is money. This week’s pick is a tip that will save you, our awesome reader, a bit of time when resizing multiple columns inside of a finder window. To resize multiple columns at once, you will need to be in the column view (by clicking on the 3rd little view near the top left of the finder window or pressing CMD-3) before you can perform the task.

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App Pick - WordPress Mobile App

As more and more users flock to content management systems like WordPress (I personally utilize this CMS for my art business’s storefront), more and more business professionals need to update their blogs on the go. You might have an important event that needs to be publicized as soon as possible or you want to take advantage of some down time to update the information on your site. At first, the Wordpress mobile application wasn’t that great due to a lack of features and stability so I only used it for.

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Pick for October 6, 2014

Pick for October 6, 2014 iWerkz Bluetooth Keyboard(Jerome) I have been searching for a great, portable bluetooth keyboard for a while now and ended up purchasing the iWerkz Bluetooth Keyboard due to its portability, price, and ability to connect wirelessly to my iPad. The keyboard folds in half and fits into a small case that doubles as a stand for either an iPad or iPhone as needed. Due to its minuscule size, it doesn’t take up as much space as my Logitech K760, with its photovoltaic panel, in my bag.

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Pick for September 29, 2014

Deliveries by Junecloud I have a need to track a lot of deliveries that are incoming and outbound and needed an applicatio to consolidate tracking information for all of the different services that are utilized by my business and by the likes of Amazon, Apple, etc. My go-to app to keep track of all the deliveries is the aptly named Deliveries by Junecloud. I am able to enter my tracking numbers and it automatically detects the service via the number I entered.

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