…and it is almost the end of month of March…how time is flying! Here is an update to my current setup (some have respective links to Amazon that help defray the hosting costs and get me more funding to purchase cool, new gear). If you all have any questions about the items below, please feel free to reach out as I am always glad to share my thoughts. I also added a rather silly AI generated image to the post…one of these days it will get it right!
Sadly, the trip to LIH today was rather quick! Love doing these quick jumps to the neighbor islands to do some site surveys and talk with my coworkers! 🤙🏻
The amount of vog at KOA was pretty intense. I was only there for 3 hours and the visibility was poor + you had that slight burn when breathing the air!
…and it is almost the end of month! Here is an update to my current setup (some have respective links to Amazon that help defray the hosting costs and get me more funding to purchase cool, new gear) for February. If you all have any questions about the items below, please feel free to reach out as I am always glad to share my thoughts.
The changes plus the detailed hardware list are below:
I completed the printing of an articulated Pterodactyl keychain and am looking forward to sharing some of the other prints in the near future. I also still need to complete testing of the Moose 3D Scanner…
My Studio Neat Keen has arrived! The cutter looks amazing in person and, in my humble opinion, the photos are not a good representation of how good it looks. I am looking forward to putting this tool through its paces and will then be able to provide a bit more feedback.
Mahalo, Studio Neat, for another great product and Kickstarter.
Another day, another trip (work related this time)! I am heading out to PHX and can’t wait to arrive as it has been a while since I have seen my friends and colleagues there.
Happy New Year, all! Here is an update to my current setup (some have respective links to Amazon that help defray some of the hosting costs and get me more funding to purchase cool, new gear) for January. I am also including an AI generated image to see if it will improve over time and get better at generating images. If you all have any questions about the items below, please feel free to reach out as I am always glad to share my thoughts.
Pretty cool little socket and plug 3D printed keychain. I was thinking about creating a necklace and giving one to my wife while I keep the other half 🤙🏻